Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Application

Ahh! It feels good to know that we have submitted our official request to become a foster family for horses. Once everything is processed, a representative will come out to the farm to determine if we should be allowed to foster a horse. They just have to make sure its safe. It really is good they require a visit, it makes sure the horses are not going to be hurt, neglected, or malnourished again. That's all we know for now. Pictures will be posted when relevant parties or objects present themselves.Happy trails 'till then.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Step One

Paperwork. This stuff is boring. It will all be worth it in just a few weeks! After all of the paperwork is filed and other necessities are taken care of, we should be able to pick up one of the horses available for the contest! So excited!

The Mission

I guess now would be a good time to tell you about the contest. It is essentially a competition to train and gain the trust of a rescue horse in three months. However it may sound, this is in no way about winning some contest. We are doing this in the hopes of providing a horse with what it needs to become part of another family, some people crudely call it "becoming adoptable." Yes, some of these horse have issues that need to be dealt with, but all they need is specifically talented tender loving care.

In my opinion, these horses that have experienced trauma are some of the most beautiful creatures on earth. They have faced issues which could have completely shut them down. They have trusted and that trust has been abused. We must not forget these horses always have the ability and raw power necessary to hurt people, but they CHOOSE not to hurt us. That is trust in its purest form.

Anyways, the contest is designed to have people foster rescue horses for three months and work with them, trying to making sure they are ready to be accepted into a new, loving home. All of the contest horses are always available for adoption. However, at the end of the three months, an event is hosted to show off these horses and all that they have learned. This event is aimed at exposing the quality of the horses to the public, so they become aware that such magnificent creatures are homeless and would love to be adopted into a new home. This event allows people to evaluate the horses, in order to make a well informed decision upon the horse's 'fitness' for being acclimated into their lives.

Please don't count these horses out! They deserve to be loved, respected, and well taken care of.